Advocacy 4 All
One to One advocacy services and self advocacy groups.

Community Hubs
Hub for local services, links to advice, support, employment and training activities, health advice and benefit advice. Also has community food shop.

Age UK - Redbridge, Barking and Havering
Support for older residents, befriending, generalist advice and activities, can support 18+. Care and dementia support.

Citizens Advice Havering
Generalist advice, casework: Benefits, housing, debt, fines etc

Social Prescribing Service - Havering North PCN
Social prescribers are health professionals based in GP practices. They work closely with GPs to assist patients with their non-medical needs. They do this by helping them identify, 'what matters to them'. e.g. housing matters, community connection, debt support, benefits advice, carers hub and support, isolation, employment support, disability support, physical activity support, signposting, volunteering
socialprescriber.hnpcn@nhs.net www.haveringnorthpcn.co.uk/social-prescriber

Social Prescribing Service - Havering South PCN
Social prescribers are health professionals based in GP practices. They work closely with GPs to assist patients with their non-medical needs. They do this by helping them identify, 'what matters to them'. e.g. housing matters, community connection, debt support, benefits advice, carers hub and support, isolation, employment support, disability support, physical activity support, signposting, volunteering
southpcn.socialprescriber@nhs.net southhaveringpcn.org.uk/social-prescribers-1